How To Pray Effectively – Volume 1


God’s earnest desire is to have a rich, vibrant, and enduring fellowship with His children; but how can we enjoy such communion with all its blessings and benefits if we don’t know how to pray effectively? With a refreshing blend of sound scriptural exposition and practical anecdotes, best-selling author Chris Oyakhilome, PhD, in this insightful classic shares with you vital principles of effective prayer.


God’s earnest desire is to have a rich, vibrant, and enduring fellowship with His children; but how can we enjoy such communion with all its blessings and benefits if we don’t know how to pray effectively? With a refreshing blend of sound scriptural exposition and practical anecdotes, best-selling author Chris Oyakhilome, PhD, in this insightful classic shares with you vital principles of effective prayer. This first volume will establish for you a clear understanding of the rules of different prayers for different situations and how to apply them for your desired outcome.

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