How To Make Your Faith Work

(2 customer reviews)

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That’s the missing ingredient from the message of faith, which is needed now in the body of Christ. This book is an outstanding revelational masterpiece that teaches you not just how to acquire faith, but how to put your faith to work so you can live the life of victory, success, joy, health and prosperity which God has ordained for you.


That’s the missing ingredient from the message of faith, which is needed now in the body of Christ. This book is an outstanding revelational masterpiece that teaches you not just how to acquire faith, but how to put your faith to work so you can live the life of victory, success, joy, health and prosperity which God has ordained for you. You’ll learn about: The faith attitude in prayer, The four different levels of the God-kind of faith What to do for your faith to become great The reason and the cure for weak faith How to build prevailing faith. Don’t get stuck in the rut! Learn how to make your faith work!

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Reviews (2)

2 reviews for How To Make Your Faith Work

  1. Jeff Dutra

    I just finished reading this wonderful book on faith, and I found it to be very inspiring and insightful. As a pastor myself for over 25 years, Pastor Chris helped me to see some truths and principles of faith in certain portions of Scripture that I had not seen before. Someone gave me this book a number of years ago, but for some reason I never actually read it. However, I stumbled upon it last week, and decided to read it. I’m so glad I did! Reading it was so timely, as I am about to leave to do some ministry in Sierra Leone in just a few days. This book, which is filled with God’s Word, has helped strengthen my faith and I know it will do the same for anyone else who reads it. Thank you!

  2. Nicole Nyasha

    This book contains very important information for me in my Christian walk. It helps me make my faith work. Hebrews 11:6 says, “without faith it’s impossible to please God.” This book helps me understand this by giving me examples of all those that walked in faith and pleased God. It teaches me to also walk in faith. It teaches me to act on the Word of God Noah, Abraham and many others. The book also teaches on how to grow my faith, and the relevance.

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