
How to Build a Strong Foundation in Christ

How to build a strong foundation in Christ

I was talking with a friend one day, and he recounted how God saved him from a fatal accident. He said; “I keep recalling this incident, and I’m not even worthy because I am neither holy nor righteous. I sin, I don’t go to church regularly, and I don’t read my Bible either.” “How to Build a Strong Foundation in Christ”

I asked him, “Have you given your life to Christ? Are you born again?” He replied, “Yes, I have given my life to Christ, but I don’t carry church on my head like most people. Yet, if you open my heart, you will see that it is righteous.”

His response was both amusing and filled with misunderstanding. You can’t claim to have given your life to Christ and still live in your old ways. The Bible says in (2 Corinthians 5:17), “If anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and all things have become new.” So, how can you say you have given your life to Christ and still live the same way, with the same habits?

I wondered if he had read the book “Now That You Are Born Again” by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome after he gave his life to Christ. If he had, he would have a better understanding of what it means to be born again, a deeper knowledge of the life he has received, and insight into how to walk in it and enjoy the blessings that follow. Many new converts are like that; they give their lives to Christ after a heart-touching sermon and then revert to their old ways. Giving your life to Christ is like entering into a life-long partnership with God, and your life is no longer yours.

Let’s briefly discuss four ways to build a strong foundation in Christ.

Activate the Holy Spirit, Prioritize the Word, and Maintain Consistency in Prayer

When you are born again, you receive a new spirit, the Spirit of God. Yield yourself to Him by always asking for His help and constantly praying in the Holy Spirit. If you are born again but haven’t received the Holy Spirit, you should know He is your advantage in having a successful Christian life and enjoying the blessings that come with it. One sign of activating the Spirit of God in you is speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit helps us pray (Romans 8:26), gives us an understanding of God’s Word, and guides us into all truth (John 16:13). He helps you maintain a consistent prayer life, but you must make deliberate efforts in studying and meditating on God’s Word (1 Peter 2:2) and practicing a consistent prayer life. You can get the books “The Holy Spirit and You” and “The Power of Tongues” by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome at our bookstore or “The Holy Spirit Quartet” for more on the Holy Spirit’s ministry in your life.

Join a Bible-Believing Church

When you have received Christ into your life, join a Bible-believing church. It could be the church where you received the message of truth or a church you are familiar with. This helps strengthen your growth and salvation and encourages your new faith. Join a cell group in the church; this helps you grow faster and gives you a quick understanding and knowledge of how you can be more of an asset in the house of God and enjoy the blessings that follow. Also, join a service department in your church.

Share Your Faith with Others

This is one of our primary responsibilities as Christians. In (Mark 16:15), Jesus commanded His followers, which you are now part of, to go into the world and preach the gospel to all nations. Sharing your faith, and the message of truth that you have found is your responsibility to others. You can start with your story and how amazing it has been. You can start with friends, colleagues, or even family members. Don’t worry, the Holy Spirit will help you because He is your helper. Just be willing, and you will see God doing beautiful things in you and with you. And if you haven’t read the book “Now That You Are Born Again” by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, it is not too late. Get your copy at our bookstore and see what’s in store for you.



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